A Most Curious Kids Fair

Designed, made and vintage products for maternity, babies and tots

Are you a designer, atelier, crafter, artist, creative that offers maternity, baby or children orientated products
or a design-led, fashion loving, trend hunting bigger brand looking to showcase your product and services to hundreds of the coolest families out there? Then get applying!

We are now taking applications for the London, Norwich and Brighton A Most Curious Christmas Kids Fairs.

A Most Curious Christmas Kids Fair, Brighton: Saturday 24th November 2012
Brighton Unitarian Church, Centre of Brighton BN1 1UF

Stand Price - £60 | Large Stand Price - £105

A Most Curious Christmas Kids Fair, London: Sunday 2nd December 2012
York Hall, Bethnal Green, E2 9PJ

Stand Price - £70 | Large Stand Price - £120

A Most Curious Christmas Kids Fair, Norwich: Sunday 9th December 2012
Assembly House, Norwich, NR2 1RQ

Stand Price - £60 | Large Stand Price - £105

Your Name*    
For which fair/s are you applying?*
- You can tick multiple boxes
I would like to have a*     2m x 1.5m stand
4m x 1.5m stand
Company Name*    
Your Website/Web Presence    
Please describe your products/services.*    
Please include at least 2 images.
Image 1* (Max size 2.5MB)
Image 2* (Max size 2.5MB)    
Image 3 (Max size 2.5MB)    
Image 4 (Max size 2.5MB)    
Most Curious Thing About Your Company    

* = Required fields. The form may take a while to Preview/Submit while images upload.
After you press 'Submit' a message above the form will confirm if your form had been sent.